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Latest on this site
- February 6 - Gilad Atzmon
“Have You No Sense of Decency,” Mr. Dershowitz? - February 5 - Gilad Atzmon
Paganini, Concerto for face in D - February 5 - Gilad Atzmon
Jews don't want blacks in their cemetary (must watch) - February 4 - Gilad Atzmon
The American Dilemma by Gilad Atzmon - February 3 - Gilad Atzmon
Are American Politicians Really This Stupid? - February 3 - Gilad Atzmon
Craig Murray - Gould-Werritty: the Continuing Cover-Up - February 3 - Gilad Atzmon
The 'Jewish Indiana Jones' - February 3 - Gilad Atzmon
Israeli Apartheid Week: Call it as it is (must watch) - February 2 - Gilad Atzmon
Ledha Socratous: Gilad Atzmon: politics and jazz - February 2 - Gilad Atzmon
William J. Murray knocks Alison Weir's camera across room at CNI press conference - February 1 - Gilad Atzmon
Genius!!! - February 1 - Gilad Atzmon
The Music of Charlie Parker brought to you by Gilad Atzmon with Strings - February 1 - Gilad Atzmon
Made it to the Wall Street Journal - January 31 - Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: The Wannsee Conference- Truth and Myth - January 30 - Gilad Atzmon
Likely Hezbollah Drone Explodes at Secret Israeli Airbase - January 30 - Gilad Atzmon
Jews in Iran - January 29 - Gilad Atzmon
deLiberation - the future of journalism - January 29 - Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: The Wandering Hugh - January 29 - Gilad Atzmon
Israel Is Disintegrating - January 28 - Gilad Atzmon
Quentin Tarantino performs Circumcision
This week-The Music of #Charlie Parker brought to you by Gilad Atzmon with Strings #Bird #bebop #jazz #music
“Have You No Sense of Decency,” Mr. Dershowitz?
“Have You No Sense of Decency,” Mr. Dershowitz?: By Nicholas Urie publication...
The Music of Charlie Parker brought to you by @GiladAtzmon with Strings.Where @officialronnies. 8th & 9th Feb #London #Jazz £18.00 - £32.50
To Buy Gilad's Music and Books
To Join Gilad Atzmon's News Letters
- Analysis (173)
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- Cultural Criticism (107)
- culture (2)
- Film Review (6)
- guest post (16)
- Hamas (4)
- identity (135)
- Ideology (92)
- interview (9)
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- Israel (198)
- Jewish Power (154)
- Jewishness (197)
- Lauren Booth (6)
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- Palestine (83)
- Philosophy (19)
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- Politiks (38)
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- Satire (26)
- Shoa/Holocaust (38)
- The Wandering Who (1)
- Thw Wandering Who (45)
- Turkey (2)
- UN (3)
- wannsee (1)
- Wanssee (1)
- Zionism (200)
- “Have You No Sense of Decency,” Mr. Dershowitz?
- Paganini, Concerto for face in D
- Jews don't want blacks in their cemetary (must watch)
- The American Dilemma by Gilad Atzmon
- Are American Politicians Really This Stupid?
- Craig Murray - Gould-Werritty: the Continuing Cover-Up
- The 'Jewish Indiana Jones'
- Israeli Apartheid Week: Call it as it is (must watch)
- William J. Murray knocks Alison Weir's camera across room at CNI press conference
- Genius!!!
- The Music of Charlie Parker brought to you by Gilad Atzmon with Strings
- Ledha Socratous: Gilad Atzmon: politics and jazz
- Made it to the Wall Street Journal
- Gilad Atzmon: The Wannsee Conference- Truth and Myth
- Likely Hezbollah Drone Explodes at Secret Israeli Airbase
- Jews in Iran
- deLiberation - the future of journalism
- Gilad Atzmon: The Wandering Hugh
- Israel Is Disintegrating
- Quentin Tarantino performs Circumcision
- Roy Bard: Glad not to be ….. in the PSC
- Nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East
- The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy
- Laura Stuart: PSC, Racism and the 'Two State Solution'
- John Stewart-West Bank Story
- Jewish Imperial News
- How to watch Press TV in UK
- Francis Clark-Lowes' Appeal Speech to PSC AGM
- Nahida Izzat: Will PSC rise to the Challenge?
- British Spring Is Here
- Some Jews Are Offended By The Truth!!! (must watch)
- Terence McKenna: Culture is not your friend
- NO SOPA: 'American Censorship Day'
- The Wondering Jesse by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel is under Cyber Attack
- A debate and a concert in London this week..
- Gilad Atzmon on Chris Cook's Gorilla Radio
- Israel and GOP join forces to oust Obama
- Alan Dershowitz’ Attempt to Destroy a Memorial to Martin Luther King
- Dirty Internet Tricks (must watch)
- Palestinian Lesson In Ethics
- Cartoon Of The Day-Enzo Apicella
- Monty Python on Anti Semitism
- Eric Walberg: Reinventing the Middle East lexicon
- Who do Israelis think is the Messiah
- Hebrew and English
- Bruce Fein-"Ron Paul Is The Only One Who Is Hawkish On Defending Americans In America"
- In the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’
- Happy New Year from the IDF
- Just Another Israeli War on the Way
- Palestine 1896
- The Wandering Jazzman... Jazz & politics
- Thomas Friedman sums up the Iraq war (must watch)
- THE SYSTEM full length trailer
- The Zionist Caricature by Gilad Atzmon
- Israeli Imperial News: 'Israeli drone spying on Turkey almost shot down'
- Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War (must watch)
- Pathetic Hasbara Video
- Cartoon of the day: Iran, Long Range Missiles - Enzo Apicella
- Star of David & Islamophobia
- Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators
- More exposure of the AZZ by Nahida Izzat
- Muslim Brotherhood: peace with Israel isn't binding
- Our Only Planet-We better look after it
- Cartoon Of The Day: New Year Resolution by Enzo Apicella
- A Great British Joke..
- Ron Paul Publicly Names Neocons and explores the Ideology..
- The march to Jerusalem - 30th March 2012
- EMERGENCY: Zakaria Zubeidi Under Threat
- Who Said Israel Has A Right To Exist?
- Israeli Hasbara's Satire (must watch)
- A Glimpse Into Israeli Barbarism
- "It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")
- The Attack on the USS Liberty
- The march toward Jerusalem - 30th March 2012
- 1948 IDF veteran soldier tells the truth about the Nakba (must watch)
- Operation Free Palestine - #OpFreePalestine
- Charlie Dershowitz talks about Israel being a 'model'..
- Lauren Booth/Press TV: Plight of Palestinian families in exile-Diaspora (Must Watch)
- Alexander Baron: Gilad Atzmon wipes Israel off the map
- The Wall of Hate
- Internet Killed Israeli PR (fun watch)
- Paul Balles: The doors of perception..
- Laura Stuart: Israel’s UK slaves: Board of Deputies of British Jews and Community Security Trust By Laura Stuart
- Asa Winstanley-UK charity with Mossad links secretly denounced anti-Zionist Jews to government
- The Wandering Herzl
- Nietzsche, Hitchens & God
- Gilad Atzmon & The OHE @ Black Mountain Jazz (full concert)
- Mohamad at Eton
- BBC Choir Bus Got Hit by a Rock from Israeli Settlers
- I Am Dying To See This Film
- Gilad Atzmon: It’s a Win-Win Situation!
- Christmas in Occupied Palestine
- Oliver Goldsmith Look Out!
- Banksy-Fight the fighters, not their wars
- If Jesus Came to IsraHell Today...
- Nahida Izzat: The Use of Character Defamation as a Political Tool
- Laura Stuart: Board of Deputies of British Jews versus freedom of expression
- Sheldon Richman Discussing Newt Gingrich and the Palestinians on Antiwar Radio
- Merry Christmas from Gilad Atzmon
- Richard Edmondson: Message to Dershowitz: the Saxophonist is not that 'Obscure'
- Gilad Atzmon: Cameron Argues that Britain is actually Christian
- Alan Hart and Gilad Atzmon discussing Jewish security matters.
- Rich Siegel-The Way to Peace (New Album)
- Richard Jones
- French National Front Searching for Support In Israel
- Sleeping on Stones
- Veronica Keen interviews Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon: The United States of Denial
- Netanyahu lies through his teeth
- Cartoon Of The Day-Enzo Apicella
- Netanyahu boasting about Manipulating America and derailing Oslo peace process
- Jazz for cows
- Nakba Day: Return to Palestine
- Genius Film Maker Needs Our Support!!!
- Kristoffer Larsson: Disengaging from Zionism
- Laura Stuart: Can British M.P.'s Withstand the Zionist Lobby
- Bumper sticker of the century!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: The Apocalyptic Rabbi
- Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Rinaldo Francesca on September 27th, 2011 (pt 1)
- Gilad Atzmon: Desperate Dershowitz
- Book Events & Talks this week
- Gilad Atzmon on Mark Glenn's Radio Show
- Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook
- Ron Paul On Iran And Israel
- This Is Israel!!!(must watch)
- Israel the Monster of Fear, Death and Destruction for Palestinian Children
- Gilad Atzmon: UK lawmaker under fire For Telling The Truth
- Gilad Atzmon: We Are All Palestinians
- Important video-Palestine in Israeli School Books: Nurit Peled-Elhanan
- Donate to MWC
- Gilad Atzmon: The BOD is in a Constant Tantrum
- Laura Stuart: Richard Desmond the Community Services Trust, The Daily Star and the Anti Muslim Agenda
- Rainlore's World of Music: A review of The Road To Bop (pre concert talk)
- Come Home for Hanukkah
- The Chanukah Pantomime
- Laura Stuart: Can the Solidarity Movement Contain Apologists ?
- Enzo Apicella: 64 years of shame for a world that PRETENDS TO BE DEAF
- Red Scribblings: Political Islam and ‘Jewish identity politics’ – a comparison
- Press TV: Zionists subjugating Britain's culture
- Lauren Booth: Three people in this marriage. The PSC, the JC and Harry’s Place
- I am back from Bradford
- Hot of the press: Wikipedia has deleted the 'Sayanim' entry.
- Truth not lies about Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon: Hope not Hate
- Professing the Crusade: Shedding Light on Come from the Shadows by C. L. Cook
- Islamophic Harry’s Place campaigns against Palestinian Shadia Mansour
- Yet One More Glimpse into Zionist Desperation
- Hope not Hate Is Caught Falsifying Documents Again.
- A glimpse into a desperate Zionist smear campaign
- From De-Nazification to 'De-Antisemitification' By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski
- Oy Vey, The Zionist Campaign Backfired Again
- Nahida Izzat: Who are the Warmongers?
- Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara trolls
- Lavan Picket November 20, 2011 - Boycott Israeli Goods - Vancouver
- Self-Loving Shlomo..
- Hope not Hate? Truth not Lies more likely!
- In Defense of Gilad Atzmon by Sarah Gillespie
- Cartoon Of The Day
- United Against Cultural Fascism – a letter to every cultured person in this country
- Gilad Atzmon: In case you don’t realise how dangerous the Israeli Lobby Is
- Sheikh Imran Hosein saw it all in 2003 (must watch)
- Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Bad Press Is All You Need
- Paul Balles: The Bouncer
- Oy Vey, Finally a conclusive evidence of me being an ANTI SEMITE
- Volkswagen AG donating $1 million to ADL
- Ynetnews: The protocols of Gilad Atzmon
- Rafeef Ziadah - 'We teach life, sir',
- David Landy and his ‘Israel Critic Jews’- A book review by Gilad Atzmon
- Something Positive Is Happening With Young American Jews
- Exeter University-Gilad Atzmon-The Wandering Who, and Where?
- The Quote Of the Day!!!
- Camden’s Grand Inquisitor
- Richard Falk: Saying No to Alan Dershowitz
- Gilad Atzmon challenges picketers prior to his talk in Exeter University
- Gilad Atzmon: The Bund- A Disturbing Jewish Political Exercise (must watch)
- Gilad Atzmon: Britain, Israel and Iran
- Dershowitz’ Lies and Glitches by Gilad Atzmon
- Tonight @ Exeter University-Gilad Atzmon The Wandering Who, and Where?
- The Iranian Nuclear Threat...
- Shabana Syed: 'Welcome to the United Jewish kingdom'
- George Polley: The Wandering Who-Book Review
- This Is How Israel Runs The British Press
- Rense & Atzmon talking about the Lobby
- Nahida Izzat: From Tribalism to Humanism
- Gilad Atzmon: The Guardian of Israel
- Gilad Atzmon: Dershowitz is Desperate
- Gilad Atzmon & The OHE in Trondheim
- Gilad Atzmon: Armageddon Ahead
- 'Gilad Uncovered' -another Book Launch of another book this Saturday
- Israeli madness knows no limit
- Debating Greg Felton's Exploding Middle East Myths
- Panel Discussion: Jewish Identity Politics-Report by Rainlore's World of Music
- A Glimpse Into Israeli Nuclear Madness
- Gilad Atzmon on Red Ice Radio (1st hour)
- Thank You Mr Dershowitz
- Was Liam Fox a Mossad Agent, a 'Useful Idiot' or Just another CFI member?
- Nahida Izzat: Did the Age of Enlightenment never occur?
- Red Scribblings: From Atzmon to Dreyfus-a reply to communalists and Stalinists
- A Great Jewish Joke..
- EXCLUSIVE IDF INTERVIEW - Israeli Soldiers Told To 'Cleanse' Gaza
- Gilad Atzmon: The Greatest Threat To World Peace
- Gilad Atzmon: By Way Of Deception
- Mike Bickle predicts "prison camps" for Jews, and second Holocaust
- Heidi Vogel-The Wandering Who-Book Review
- If Dershowitz Wants a Debate, I Will Meet Him Any Time
- Gilad Atzmon: Thank God for the Jewish Chronicle
- Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion Q&A
- Gilad Atzmon on Jeff Rense's Radio Show
- RootsWorld Review: Rim Bana & Gilad Atzmon
- Sameh Habeeb: The Wandering Who, an attempt to clear the dust
- Karl Sabbagh on Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
- Gilad Atzmon: The book they don’t want you to read
- Listen to Sammi Ibrahem on the Ugly Truth Radio Show
- Glenn Bowman @ Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
- Gilad Atzmon: Liam Fox Is Not a ‘Useful Idiot’
- Laura Stuart: Zionist Cowardice and a "Thinly Veiled" Attack on Myself and the P.S.C.
- Dr. Gabi Weber Answers Sarah Kershnar, Mich Levy & IJAN
- Gilad Atzmon on Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
- Laura Stuart is a Mavi Marmara Survivor (must watch)
- Panel Discussion on Jewish Identity Politics, Part 1 & 2
- The Invention of the Jewish People vs. The Invention of Gilad Atzmon
- Laura Stuart: It's actually NOT all about "the Jews"!
- Gilad's London next talk/music event
- Jews Talking To Themselves 2
- Jews Talking To Themselves 1
- Calling Out the Tribalists by KATHLEEN CHRISTISON
- Gilad Atzmon: Supremacism Revisited
- Sarah Gillespie's How The West Was Won (video)
- Palestine Telegraph: Israel’s top critic attacked by Jewish Group
- Politics of Jewish identity By NEIL BERRY
- Torah Jews-Probably The Only Jewish Ethical Collective
- Not All Jews Hate Me!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: The Long Arm of Israel
- Red Scribblings: The Blundering Who? (A Marxist Perspective)
- Roy Ratcliffe on The Wandering Who
- Witness The Nazis Of Our Time
- Gilad Atzmon: Supremacists on ‘The Wandering Who’.
- Gilad Atzmon: The Jew-Only Panic Mobile Technology
- A New Video about the Annexation wall
- Rainlore: The Neo-Book Burners And 'The People Of The Book'
- Gilad Atzmon on The Kevin Barett's Truth Jihad Radio Show
- Gilad Atzmon: Foreign Interests In Our Midst
- Settlers Attack Israeli Activists and Palestinian Farmers near Anatot 30 9 2011
- Mazal Tov to Harry’s Place and Mark Gardner
- The Wandering Who is Out This Week
- Gilad Atzmon: May vs. Salah
- Prof. Brian Leiter: Mearsheimer Responds to the Latest Right-Wing Smears on Him...
- Kim Petersen: Into the Mentality of the Occupier/Oppressor
- Shana Tova to Gene, Lenin, Harry's Place and all the rest
- Endorsements for Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who
- Richard Jones: The Ultimate Quiz
- Kevin Barrett: A joyous affirmation of the end of identity politics
- The Wandering Who Finds Its way to the top!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: Are They Really ‘The People Of The Book’?
- Letters to the Guardian: Moral obligation and Jewish identity
- The Dangerous Cult of the Guardian by JONATHAN COOK
- A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
- Later Today-Gilad Atzmon on the Kevin Barret's Radio Show
- Alan Hart: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year): Will God forgive
- The LIGHT List BY Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
- Oy Vey, The Babylonian Talmud took the lead
- A Lingering What? by Paul Larudee
- Ken O'Keefe and Sameh Habeeb @ The Freiburg Conference
- Mearsheimer responds to Goldberg's latest smear
- Silvia Cattori Interviews Gilad Atzmon
- Best Seller?
- Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer by Gilad Atzmon
- Eric Walberg: Atzmon on Jewishness- Jezebel’s legacy
- Gilad Atzmon: PSC has made it
- London JC launched an attack on Prof' John Mearsheimer
- Gilad Atzmon: American Tragedy
- Rainlore's World of Music: The Wandering Who-Book review
- 22.9 @ 5pm I will Face The Nation With Sammi Ibrahem
- A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
- "The Wandering Who" - Gilad Atzmon on Inside the Eye - 2 hours Live!
- Gilad Atzmon: Progressive Choseness
- Destination Palestine
- Nahida the Exiled Palestinian: Thought Terrorism
- Gilad Atzmon: The Open Society and its Enemy Within
- I love Helen Thomas!!!
- Jonathon Blakeley: The Wandering Who? -A Book Review
- Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool @ Freiburg Conference
- A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
- Prof' William A. Cook: Tearing the Veil From Israel’s Civility-a book review
- ‘Tears of Gaza’ – The Movie
- Gilad Atzmon @ Freiburg Conference (video+text)
- Gilad Atzmon: Obama, the Palestinian State & Zionist Schizophrenia
- William T. Hathaway: The Last Jewish Prophet
- They Need Your support!!!!
- Ramzy Baroud: The Gaza Story- Challenging History through Narration
- Gilad Atzmon: Israeli War Criminals Are Welcome Here
- Laura Stuart: Cafe Palestine Conference Freiburg - The Boundaries of Discourse- A Review
- Gilad Atzmon: Being in Time
- Uprootedpalestinians STARTS IT'S FOURTH YEAR!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: And What About Our Spring?
- Gilad Atzmon: Egyptians Stormed Israeli Embassy, Other Nations Should Do The Same
- Shahram Vahdany: King of the Jews
- Gilad Atzmon: Israel Better Think Twice
- Paul J. Balles' Book review: The Wandering WHO?
- Jewish Girl Prank Calls Her Parents..
- Gilad Atzmon: Machine of Israel
- Ode to Boycott
- Farrakhan Exposes The ZioCon plan for the Middle East (must being watched and internalised)
- Freiburg Conference Update
- Gilad Atzmon: The End of Innocence Revisited
- A Beautiful Video About Us!!!
- Mhara Costello-Terrorist!!! (must watch)
- Jews in Space
- Emmanuel Kelly- Iraqi warfare survivor on X Factor Australia (must watch)
- Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup"
- America, Watch This!!! (must watch)
- Learn more about Nato
- Stephen Lendman talks with Gilad Atzmon about The Wandering Who?
- Gilad Atzmon: The Flag And The Penis
- FRANKLIN LAMB: The Siege of Tripoliby
- Lauren Booth: No Justice, No Peace!!!
- FRANKLIN LAMB: Whither Gaddafi and Libya?
- Free Society And The Enemy From Within
- The man that removed the Israeli flag from Israel Embassy in Egypt
- Gilad Atzmon With Jumoke Fashola on Jazz FM
- Gilad Atzmon: They Better Run For Their Lives
- Jeffrey St. Clair on Gilad Atzmon's In Loving Memory of America
- America, Watch Your Lawmakers Having Fun In Israel
- Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
- Visit Palestine 2011
- Gilad Atzmon: An Interesting Exchange With A Jewish Anti Zionist
- AL-QUDS DAY: Support Peace Not Apartheid
- Is Change possible in Israel?
- Very Important Video: The Real Source of the British Riots
- Who will save the black man?
- Truth Justice & Peace by Agron Belica
- An Open Letter to Israel Concerning The Freedom Theatre
- Gilad Atzmon: London Riots and the Big Picture
- Voice Of Reason
- Professor James Petras on The Wandering Who?
- USA Ambassador Shapiro visit to the "Iron Dome" Battery
- The Wandering Who? is out soon
- Alan Hart: “Could Arab (Palestinian) staying power ultimately defeat Zionism?”
- Gilad Atzmon: The Landlord Wannabe Protest
- Self-Hatred vs. Self-Love- An Interview with Eric Walberg by Gilad Atzmon
- The Israeli Lobby Controls America But The Jewish State Is Falling Apart (must watch)
- Jenin's Freedom Theatre Attacked
- Gilad Atzmon: De-Zionification Now
- Music for Palestine...
- Israelis Debate on the Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved?
- Palestine, Israel, Germany- The Boundaries of Open Discussion
- Gilad Atzmon: Massacre in Norway-- More About the Jewish Right Wing Connection
- Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?
- Kelly James Clark interviews Rami Elhanan
- The Great Games-book review by Gilad Atzmon
- Kelly James Clark interviews Nurit Peled-Elhanan
- Huseyin Oruç talks to Silvia Cattori- Whenever the Palestinians need it, the Mavi Marmara will go
- Officer and a Gentleman the Israeli version..
- An interesting collage- Two Psychopaths Juxtaposed
- This Is Genius!!!
- Gilad With Strings on BBC 3 In Tune July 4th 2011
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Democracy for Dummies
- Human Trafficking in the Jewish State
- What would you say to Jews who don't believe Israel should exist?
- Gordon Duff Talking to Press TV about Rupert Murdoch
- RUPERT MURDOCH SONG - Forever In The Shit!
- Dr Finkelstein in Defamation
- Gilad Atzmon: The Herem Law in the context of Jewish Past and Present
- Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Contamination at the Heart of America
- A Normal Day in Palestine
- Culture is Resistance
- Arab Jews In Israel Start to Understand It All
- Press TV: Europalestine's post Flytilla demo and action
- Sen. Joe Zelig Biden on Shalom TV-I Am A Zionist
- General Wesley Clark Speaks
- Gilad Atzmon on Red Ice Radio
- View Hopeless IDF In Action
- Uri Avnery Elaborates on Israeli Psychosis
- Israel's no fly ban for European activists
- Gilad Atzmon: Flotilla, Flytilla and the prospect of ‘Civil Society Action’
- Tzipi & The Emir of Qatar
- Regevelations By Red Rej
- Gilad Atzmon & OHE: The Burning Bush
- Ibrahim Hewitt: Israel's fifth columnists silence Sheikh Raed Salah
- Flying for Palestinian Freedom
- Gilad Atzmon: Hasbara Psychosis
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Self-Reflection is Overdue
- Hero Activist David Halpin talks to RT
- Flotilla update: Silvia Cattori interviews Dimitri Plionis (Greek Boat)
- A Beautiful Old Interview With Juliano Mer-Khamis
- Jeff Gates: The Real Inside Job
- Ray McGovern: Israel Extends Territorial Waters, Greece Bends Over, Gaza Suffers! [AlJazeera]
- Meshigine Settler
- Assange, Žižek & Goodman Conversation July 2,
- Gilad Atzmon: Killing Goyim and Beyond
- Flotilla Update: 'Israel afraid of the truth'
- PRESS RELEASE: Mr. Raed Salah's Appeal Lodged
- Amazing Job: London Rhymes with Palestine for OneWorld
- Gilad Atzmon: Gaza Flotilla vs. Diaspora Jewry
- Welcome to the United Jewish Kingdom
- American Indian "Jimbo" Simmons Gaza Flotilla Interview
- Arthur Billy: Requiem for the Dead of Gaza
- Gilad Atzmon: Self Reflection in Mondoweiss
- Gilad Atzmon: And What About Jewish Anti Gentile Studies?
- The Portland BDS Coalition: They Are Young and Determined
- I Certainly Do Not Want To Wake Up Next To This Joker
- Nabih Saleh Clownistan!
- US Embassy in TelAviv: Israelis, Dont Break Our Immigration Laws
- RT: Israelis want to run away to safety
- Anthony Lawson: The Death of American Democracy
- Sarah Gillespie: ‘How The West Was Won’
- Archbishop Tutu endorses 'Freedom for Palestine' single by OneWorld!
- The Zionist Story (must watch)
- Addressing Some Typical Zionist Questions
- Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV*
- Movement for One Democratic state (ODS)-A New Web Site
- Gilad Atzmon with Sammi Ibrahem-Unity Fm
- Brian Haw - Al Hiwar TV Interview
- Gilad Atzmon: Let the Dog See the Rabbi
- Gilad Atzmon: The Protocols of the Elders Of London
- 1001 Lies About Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon: Jews & Their Self Interest-An Interview with Philip Weiss
- Gilad Atzmon's Talk-The War Against Terror Within
- IsraHell Comes To Realise Its End (must Watch)
- What a Joker...
- RT: 'Libya war driven by O.I.L.: Oil, Israel & Logistics' - McKinney
- Valley Of The Wolves Palestine 2011 (English Subs)
- American-Jewish young man is being arrested in Jerusalem
- The Revolution Business (must watch)
- Gilad Atzmon: For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities
- Elias Davidsson-I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It
- Give the Entire Middle East to the Jews
- Beyond Words
- New York Times Concealed Ukrainian Genocide
- It is Happening...Ska-p - Intifada (English Subs)
- IDF-Lethal Ambiguity
- Kalandia Checkpoint on Al Naksa Day 05/06/11
- Al Naksa
- Gilad and all that Jazz-Trailer
- Gilad Atzmon: Palestine Vs. Solidarity Movement
- Jewish life more valuable than Palestinians.
- Marching In Step with AIPAC
- Nahida the Exiled Palestinian: Jewish Voice for Peace? Really??
- FRANKLIN LAMB: Israelis Rush for Second Passports
- Celebrate the "reunion of Jerusalem"
- I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media: Gilad Atzmon Interview By Silvia Cattori
- NeoCon/Zionist Policy Introducing Fascism Into This World
- A Talk: The War Against Terror Within
- Budrus Trailer
- U.S. student to respond to Condoleezza Rice
- Going Back to Lifta - A Palestinian Exile Returns
- Glimpses of Palestine
- Gaza Reels
- Scenes From THE WALL followed by discussion
- THE WALL a play by Douglas Watkinson – reviewed by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon: British PM Resigns as patron of the Jewish National Fund
- Palestinian Women Prisoners
- Israeli Human Rights Violations
- Lars Von Trier's 'Nazi' gaffe at Cannes Film Festival as he jokes about Adolf Hitler
- I will NOT kill Innocent people for Israel
- Two Female Israeli Soldiers Talk About Their Complicity in IDF Abuse
- John Mearsheimer on RT talking about AIPAC and American Interests
- Look at how women are treated by the IDF
- Wiki Jews
- London Concert: Tahrir Square to Jerusalem
- Gilad Atzmon: A Warning From The Past
- Max Blumenthal: Feeling the Ignorance at AIPAC 2011
- Rae Abileah Speaks Out Against AIPAC Members Who Attacked Her
- Intervista a Gilad Atzmon - 4 di 4
- Move Over AIPAC Flashmob (D.C. Union Station)
- Moroccan jew speaks up against zionism and israeli racism
- ArgusoogRadio (Dutch) - Arend Zeevat with Gilad Atzmon
- This Documentary May Help You Understand Israel
- Settlement Activity in the Old City of Hebron
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Clandestine Operation Exposed
- Gilad Atzmon: The Next Israeli President
- Anayat Durrani: Exposing dangerous myths (Al Ahram Weekly)
- Gilad Atzmon: My Visit to the USA
- Uprooted Palestinian: He did it, Hassan Hijazi returned to Yafa (Java) - Millions will follow
- Bible Vs. Archaeology
- Intervista a Gilad Atzmon - 3 di 4
- Gilad Atzmon: Israel’s Doomed Fate
- Ghassan Bannoureh: Mazin Qumsiyeh' Arrest yesterday
- Nakba Day- Syrian Border
- Merna Alazzeh: 1948 - Al Nakba: a family's collective memory*
- Anthony Lawson:AIPAC 101-What Every American Should Know
- Gilad Atzmon: From ‘Right of Return’ to ‘Return in Practice’
- Palestinian Villages Destroyed During the Nakba 1948
- I´m sick of 63 years of Israeli occupation
- Intervista a Gilad Atzmon
- Tonight in Denver
- Gilad Atzmon @ Munir Muhammad TV Show (Chicago)
- Today Jazza in Oklahoma
- The Wanted 18-Palestinian Animated Documentary
- Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Gilad Atzmon, Phil Nauta, Janine Bandcroft Mon. May 9, 2011
- Panel Event -Zionism, Jewishness and Israel, Is Now Online (Must Watch)
- Gilad Atzmon in Oakland on May 10
- Return to Palestine
- Changing Osama stories 'bizarre': Ramadan
- Dr. June C. Terpstra: Identity without Supremacy
- MAY 7 – University of Texas at Arlington
- JAZZ for Gaza with Gilad Atzmon at Columbia College Chicago
- Fascinating, Outspoken and Controversial...
- Lauren Booth: 'Jewishness', scare tactics, and a sense of humour.
- I am in the USA!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: Winners and Losers
- Shabana Syed: Chance For Humanity
- Great Success
- Gilad Atzmon: Eye For An Eye
- Remi Kanazi: The Dos and Don'ts of Palestine – A Poem
- Panel Event Update: Zionism, Jewishness and Israel
- Gilad Atzmon: What Are They Afraid of?
- The Royal Wedding Is Behind Us
- No Cancellation !!!
- Ghada Karmi’s Pullout Update
- Gilad Atzmon: Drama in London
- Gilad Atzmon: Time Is Ripe For A Paradigm Shift
- Anthony Lawson: No-Fly Zone over Gaza — Petition
- Young Arab Jews open letter to Arab peers
- Israeli Police Terrorize Palestinian Prisoners (must watch)
- Petition: "No Fly Zone" Over Gaza, Please Sign Now!!!
- Vera Macht: Vik, You Are missed
- Gilad Atzmon: "Tribal Marxism for Dummies"
- Israeli Humour- Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV
- Gilad Atzmon: The Israeli So-Called ‘Left’
- Ken O'Keefe: Thoughts on Vittorio Arrigoni & Surfing in Gaza
- Agron Belica: End of the Road
- Event: Zionism, Jewishness and Israel
- Anthony Lawson: Harassment by The YouTube Team
- William A. Cook: Sinning against Zionism: Traitor to Country
- I Do Not Believe That A Palestinian Killed Vittorio Arrigoni
- The Israeli Experience - World's biggest militaristic projects for youth
- Gilad Atzmon: Let Us Talk About Jewishness
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Math
- Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Intolerance
- South Tel Aviv Is On Fire!!!
- Gilad Atzmon: Alan Dershowitz- You're Not Welcome Here
- Ken O'Keefe: Samouni Family Responds to Justice Goldstone Backtrack on Israeli War Crimes
- Juliano Mer-Khamis was murdered today in Jenin
- Gilad Atzmon: Goldstone’s U-Turn
- Anthony Lawson: Copyright or Censorship?
- Gilad Atzmon: Taking Deborah Lipstadt Apart
- Youtube deleted Anthony Lawson's latest
- War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
- The Rise of Israel's Military Rabbis
- Gilad Atzmon: Inside What Job? A film review
- Gilad Atzmon: To Call Zimmerman a Zimmerman (+video)
- Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? (Must Watch)
- Gilad Atzmon @ Cafe Palestine, Freiburg Germany
- Yitzhak Laor: The return of colonial theology
- Gilad Atzmon: United Against the Anti Israeli Goyim
- Gilad Atzmon: Europe Turns Against Israel
- Beware of The NY Jewish Militia (Must Watch)
- DEAR MR TZABAR, - a short documentary about a remarkable man and his conscience...
- whatreallyhappened: Stuxnet found in Japan in October - Is Fukushima an unintended consequence of Israel's hacker attack against Bushehr?
- Gilad Atzmon: Talmudic Logic for Beginners
- France arrests pro-Palestinians for anti-Israel campaign
- Gilad Atzmon: Israel fears sushi shortage after quake
- No Fly Zone over Israel- An Interview With Gilad Atzmon
- David Horowitz spreading Kosher hatred @ Brooklyn College
- Talking about Jewish Ideology and Zionism in Germany
- IDF in Awarta
- I Salute EuroPalestine
- Extravaganza of Jewish Power
- David Halpin Writes to William J Hague
- Gilad Atzmon: The Shekel Has Dropped
- Gilad Atzmon: What About A No Fly Zone for The Palestinians?
- Gilad Atzmon Talks about music, Palestine, Zionism and Islam
- Gilad Atzmon: The Penny Has Dropped
- Dr. Hajo Meyer -- Selections from an Interview
- Occupation Has No Future: Militarism + Resistance in Israel/Palestine -- Trailer
- Gilad Atzmon: American Bloody Pragmatism
- Gabi and Vera Raised 11.7000 Euro
- Coexistence- An Incredible Photo
- Catwalk of Jewish Extremism (must see)
- America and Arab Democracies
- The Sound of the Global Intifada (music clip)
- This is Genius!!!
- AlJazeera: Arab Jews Being Nostalgic (must see)
- Gilad Atzmon: Beware, Israeli War Criminal Are Using False Identities
- Gilad Atzmon: John Galliano Must Be A Zionist
- Gilad Atzmon: Hasbara’s Smear Fell Apart Again
- Gilad Atzmon: Hello, Is It Muammar?
- Bloody Oil
- How to Cook a Gentile?
- Silvia Cattori: An Interview with Gilad Atzmon-To Call A Spade A Spade
- Something Is Wrong With Chosen-ness
- Talk on 'Palestine - History and Time' & Jazz performance with Gilad Atzmon
- The Incredible Anthony Lawson: Gaza in Plain Language
- Hosni Mubarak Sings "I Did it My Way"
- David Cronin attempts citizens arrest on Lieberman in Brussels
- British government where money comes before morals
- Israeli Spokesman making a complete arse of himself
- Listen to Nabil Mansour
- Truth in Stuttgart
- Justice For Palestine - Steve Biko Thomas
- From the Horse's Mouth
- Geert Wilders-Europe Leading Islamophob
- An Urgent Appeal for Gaza
- Cultural boycott of Israel taking hold in S Africa
- Jerusalem: an Occupation Set in Stone?
- Children of Shatila
- ZioLeaks-The Diaries of Yosef Nachmani
- by Vera Macht in Gaza: The West and the revolution
- Gilad Atzmon: Cairo & Jerusalem
- Ken O'Keefe in Gaza: Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building
- Gilad Atzmon: The Muslim Brotherhood is Kosher
- Assange vs. The Guardian
- Gilad Atzmon: Left and Islam
- Yasmeen El Khoudary: The circles in the sky over Gaza
- Listen to your people ya Hosni
- Tlaxcala: An interview with Gilad Atzmon (January, 2011)
- Zio-Rabbi Nachum Shiffren mistakenly says the truth! A Freudian slip LOL
- Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners
- Let's Go Exile! - Hosni Mubarak
- Franklin Lamb: As Tahrir Square goes so goes the Middle East?
- Gilad Atzmon: The French Philosopher
- Gilad Atzmon: The Man With The White Yarmulke
- Wit and Wisdom of Mark Regev
- Gilad Atzmon: Global Intifada
- Massoud Nayeri: U.S. Media and the Mighty Uprising in Egypt
- US' Egypt policy under fire as uprising gains momentum
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Power is Falling Apart
- Gilad Atzmon Discusses American Foreign Policy on Press TV
- Joe Biden on Shalom TV: I am a Zionist
- Gilad Atzmon: Liberating the American People
- Ramzy Baroud on Egypt Uprising
- Richard Falk Reponds
- Gilad Atzmon: Jews against the King
- The Chabadization of America
- Gilad Atzmon: The Palestine Papers and Us
- Tagar-Jewish extremists in France
- Totally Illogical - Israeli settler discusses survival, threats
- Opinions in Jerusalem about the Settlements and Obama
- Ken O'Keefe Interview With Jonathan Adams
- The Beauty & The Beast
- Gilad Atzmon: Valley of the Wolves
- 365 AM DOCUMENTARY --GAZA (must watch)
- Settlers attack Peace Seeking Rabbi
- Arte TV interview with Gilad Atzmon ahead of OHE's European Tour in March
- Mohammed Omer: Operation Cast Lead Is Over, But the Nightmare Continues
- Dr. David Halpin: Silence is Complicity: The methodical shooting of boys at work in Gaza by snipers of the Israeli Occupation Force
- They Listen to our criticism after all
- Melanie Philips: “Israeli Hasbara is a joke”
- Vera Macht Reports From Gaza: Amjad – The Next Victim in Gaza Buffer Zone
- Gilad Atzmon: Can A Criminal State Deal With War Criminals?
- Rafeef Ziadeh : Poetry against Israeli Barbarism (must watch)
- Vera Macht Reports from Gaza: Life and death in the buffer zone
- Palestinian child attacked by Israeli settler
- From The Mouth of The Beast
- Israeli Troops Kill Innocent Man In His Sleep
- Prof Richard Falk: On Jewish Identity
- Gilad Atzmon: Captain Israel- A Sickening Hasbara Magazine For Jewish Diaspora Youngsters
- Vera Macht: MEETING WITH THE FOUNDERS OF GYBO (Gaza Youth Breaks Out)
- Paul J. Balles: Grains of sand: perspectives on roles of Israel and USA in Middle East
- Vera Macht Reports from Gaza
- Gilad Atzmon: And What About the Sperm?
- Rana Shubair: Yes, I Can Dare to Dream in My Gaza
- Palestinian Memorial Week for Palestine to begin in London
- Muhannad Othman Alazzeh
- The Incredible Ken O’keefe Reports from Gaza
- Gilad Atzmon: The Last Days of the Jewish State
- Press TV: J'lem Shepherd Hotel demolition (must see)
- Voices From Inside
- Lauren Booth: go go go
- Economic Hitmen
- Gilad Atzmon: Shoah Backfires
- The Israeli Lie
- Palestinian Kid Vs. Israeli Soldier
- This is The Jewish State
- Paul J. Balles: Weapons of mass deception; TIME TO TURN TO ALTERNATIVE MEDIA
- Rand, Israel & Greenspan
- Jen Marlowe: One Family in Gaza (video)
- Prof Richard Falk: Israel Prepares Major Offensive against Gaza: Hopes of Gaza Cast in Lead
- Israel and Arab Jews
- Iraq Was Heaven Says The Last Jew in Iraq
- This is Genius: Hasbara for the young
- Gilad Atzmon: Milton Friedman’s ‘Capitalism and the Jews’ Revisited
- Maidhc Ó Cathail: Anti-Semitism -- Zionism's Indispensable Alibi (video)
- Sex and the Shtetle
- BTselem: Six Wishes For the New Year
- Take it from the Horse's Mouth
- The Siege
- 1933 - Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement
- Wind of Change
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Diplomacy
- Haidar Eid: Gaza-Two Years after The Horror!
- WikiLeaks News: Confirmation-Israel Attacked Syrian nuclear facility.
- The Peninsula- More About WikiLeaks and Israel
- Julian Assange on Al Jazeera English
- Gilad Atzmon: Wikileaks and Israel
- Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses
- Gilad Atzmon: Bad News For Israel
- Must See! Rachel Corrie's Dream
- U.S. Gov't Responds to Questions About Imprisoned Palestinian Protest Organizer Abu Rahmah
- God Will Bring His People Back
- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
- Scott Horton Interviews Max Blumenthal
- Jody McIntyre: It is rough out there
- Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Judaism & Jewishness
- Israel Shahak: The History of the Jews (must see)
- Two Hours @ Deanna Spingolda's Radio Show
- Tears Of Gaza (must See)
- Mavi Marmara Witness
- Anthony Lawson: Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and WikiLeaks
- Israeli Soldiers Speak Out
- Tim King: Frank Talk About Israel from one who knows...
- Press TV-Iran Airs Documentary on Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani
- Roy Ratcliffe: The Zionist Left and the Loyalty Oath
- In Support of WikiLeaks-Please Spread the Message
- Shopping in Israel
- Israelis Are Subject to Palestinian Future Kindness
- Gilad Atzmon: Once again I salute Dr Hajo Meyer
- Andy Robson: The Struggle Continues, Jazzwise
- Since March, Israel's military has reportedly shot at least 91 Palestinians
- Nurit Peled-Elhanan: On the appointment of Yair Naveh as Deputy Chief of Staff
- Gilad Atzmon: Ein Hod and the Israeli Sin
- WikiLeaks' Attorney Responds to U.S. Attacks
- Gilad Atzmon: The Burning Bush
- Israelis shoot at demonstrators in Gaza - Ken O'Keefe, Beit Hanoun
- Gilad Atzmon: A Surge of Truth
- We are subject to a surge of truth...
- Hajo Meyer on Jews and Palestine (must see)
- They Look after our safety..
- Gilad Atzmon: WikiLeaks’s Document suggests that Mossad Chief wanted to topple Iranian regime
- Israel admits to stealing organs from dead Palestinians
- BDS in action...
- Learn more about the 'anti-Semitic trick'
- Gaza Photo Exhibition Attacked by the Jewish Defense League in Paris
- The Tide has Turned by Richard Jones
- Israeli soldiers on 'Human Shield' trial
- The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Trailer
- Gilad Atzmon: 200 Israeli War Criminals Better Hope For Palestinian Amnesty
- Professor Francis Boyle: Zionists & Academia...
- BBC Radio 2 this evening: Jamie Cullum presents Gilad Atzmon
- Slavoj Zizek: The capitalist system is pushing us all towards an apocalyptic doomsday.
- New Anthony Lawson's Film
- Gilad Atzmon on Zionism and Jewish Identity
- Facts!!!
- OHE's 10th Anniversary tomorrow (3 videos)
- 200 Israeli war criminals-please disseminate widely
- Gilad Atzmon: Don't call me an Israeli (very funny clip)
- Chris Searle on Gilad Atzmon and The Orient House Ensemble
- This Thursday, the OHE Marathon
- An Apartheid State
- The Banality of Evil - IOF soldiers celebrating the destruction of houses (English Subtitles)
- Paul Larudee: A Kind of Schizophrenia
- Radio Interview With Carlos Pérez Cruz
- Gilad Atzmon: There Is No Business like Shoa Business
- Islamic Human Rights Commission (UK): Letter challenging the promotion of hate in The Independent
- Gilad Atzmon: Watch some Isolated Voices of Jewish Reason
- Joe Rennison: Gilad Atzmon More Than Just a Musician
- Israeli Tolerance (video)
- Gilad Atzmon: The Anti-Semitic Side of Zionism (must watch)
- Bulldozing Peace
- Sarkozy versus Gypsy
- One Democratic State Is The Way Forward
- Lauren Booth: I'm now a Muslim. Why all the shock and horror?
- Gilad Atzmon: Dance With Your Neighbours For F**k's Sake
- Palestinian Resistance vs. Israeli Barbarism
- Some Facts about Israel
- Gilad Atzmon: Julie Sabbath Goy Burchill
- An Amazing Anti-War video art
- Road to Hope convoy stalled at Egyptian border
- Please watch this video and spread it around
- Victory- Caterpillar is withholding the delivery of bulldozers to Israel
- Anthony Lawson: Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-up
- Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Tolerance For a Change
- Pentos Films: Ken O'Keefe on the Mavi Marmara
- Rap for Palestine!
- The Bible: A Manuel for Genocide (must watch)!!!
- Jewish Integrity for a Change
- Students Protest
- Max Blumenthal visits a Settler's Festival
- One Palestinian Man vs. Many Israeli Soldiers
- Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Jazz & Socialism
- Gilad Atzmon And The OHE: 10th Anniversary Extravaganza
- Anthony Lawson: 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons
- A Letter from Daniel McGowan (DYR) to Abraham Foxman (ADL)
- Gilad Atzmon: From Rabbi Yosef to Marx
- Rainlore Music: Jazza Festival Turns Into Musical Event Of The Year
- An event about the dispossessed Bedouin minority of the Negev, Israel
- Ramzy Baroud : The Tide Has Changed is a musical lesson in humanity
- Zimos News: Jazz activism
- Guardian review-Jazza festival (4 Stars)
- Guardian Review: 5 stars For The Ghost Within
- Robert Wyatt & Gilad Atzmon in Haaretz
- To listen to Gilad Atzmon & the OHE on BBC Radio 3
- Mamoon Alabbasi: London's Jazza sings in tune with Palestine
- Tonight BBC Jazz on 3, Jez Nelson presents Gilad Atzmon's Orient House Ensemble
- Gilad Atzmon: Wagner Again
- Music and Tones Rise for Gaza By Lauren Booth
- Gilad Atzmon: Lieberman and the Jewish Political Continuum
- Gilad Atzmon: Kosher Oxymoron-Jewish Democracy
- Guardian Music Choice: Jazza Festival, London
- We Need Your Support.
- Gilad Atzmon on Press TV-Remember Palestine
- Salemnews: Mavi Marmara Witness
- Gilad Atzmon: A conversation with Robert Wyatt about Cultural Resistance
- The Tide Has Changed Is Out (UK only)
- "God's Chosen" prevents bleeding pregnant woman going to hospital
- Talking to Jumoke Fashola BBC Radio London
- Here Are Some Proud Palestinian Jews
- Gilad Atzmon: Roger Waters and the Bombs of David
- Why the ‘rise in crimes against Muslims’ becoming a dangerous fact?
- Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Boat On its Way
- Ken O'keefe in Haaretz
- Gilad Atzmon: On Gaza and Chutzpah
- Israel Will Be Palestine by Gilad Atzmon
- JAZZA FESTIVAL 2010 The Site Is Up & Running
- Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty
- We Offer Our Unconditional Jewish Loyalty (video)
- Blair's Journey: Questions before Charge by David Halpin FRCS
- Talking To The Wall
- Welcome to Sodom
- BBC Bias: Panorama Programme Exposed
- Lauren Booth- Letter to Israel (video)
- Gilad Atzmon: Give History a Chance (video)
- BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla (must watch)
- Artists for Gaza is Jazza
- Gilad Atzmon: Apropos ‘Peace Talks’
- Learn more about the Nakba
- Monzer Zimmo: Palestinian recognition of Israel, a Jewish state – Why?
- Lauren Booth: An Al Quds day letter to Tony Blair. From Lauren Booth, in Iran.
- Gilad Atzmon: Bloody Memoir
- Learn More About Jewish Love
- James Petras:The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
- Gilad Atzmon: The Lowest of the Low
- All That Jazz-an interview with Chema Garcia Martinez
- I love his directness.
- One Democratic State in Palestine
- An open letter to Israel From: Lauren Booth, UK
- Gilad Atzmon: United Against Knowledge
- Gilad Atzmon: BBC Panorama, An Exemplary Work of Clumsy Journalism
- Gilad Atzmon: United Against Paintings
- Gilad Atzmon: The Jewish Division
- In Loving Memory of Abu Obeida
- Internet Killed Israeli PR (must watch)
- London Says No to IsraHell
- We Need Your Vote!!!
- Anthony Lawson: Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation (must watch)
- Gilad Atzmon: A Glimpse into Israeli Paranoia
- Gilad Atzmon: Bravery and Morality in Israel
- Gilad Atzmon: Goyim’s Organs Are Needed
- Cultural Resistance: 'All Aboard the Mavi Marmara' David Rovics’ New Song
- Israel Being Mocked by The Independent
- DR Mazin Qumsiyeh: Bridge Experience
- Jewish Tribal News: The Palestinian Freedom Fighters didn’t Realise that the Captain was Jewish.
- Palestinian Child confronts Israeli forces over father's detention By Zuheir Al-Shaer
- Al Quds day annual demonstration and rally
- Gilad Atzmon: Press TV Under Attack
- Gilad Atzmon: Israel Cannot Handle Its Past
- Learn About Israeli Crimes Just 3 Years After The Liberation Of Auschwitz
- Gilad Atzmon: Islamophobia in Britain: The Products, The Names and The Faces
- Gilad Atzmon: Oliver Stone apologized for Telling the Truth
- Racial Hatred in the UK by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
- Beware of Jewish Slappers
- Antony Loewenstein & Ali Abunimah: The Real Peace Process
- Gilad Atzmon: My Problem with Jewish Identity Starts here
- Israel Braces Itself for a UN Fact Finding Mission by Gilad Atzmon
- A Freedom Charter or A Second Nakba? By Kenneth O'Keefe
- “By way of deception, thou shalt make love”
- On The Israeli Right's New 'Peace' Agenda by Gilad Atzmon
- Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook & Gilad AtzmonDate 2010-07-20
- Strictly Dancing by Gilad Atzmon
- Community Ramadan football tournament to take place in Gaza
- Gilad Atzmon: British Jews Support Israeli War Crimes
- Give History a Chance by Gilad Atzmon
- Each village is a reminder by Brian Lenzo
- Listen to The Remarkable David Halpin exposing Global Zionism
- Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV
- CNN editor fired after tweeting 'respect for Hezbollah giant'
- Two State Hypocrisy by Daniel McGowan
- The lies about Hamas rockets
- Somewhere Over the Pipi Chopsky
- Gilad Atzmon at the Kevin Barrett's Show
- Atzmon and Siegel in Rochester and Geneva by Dan McGowan
- Victims United
- Debunking the War on Terror!!!
- In Case You Are Around
- Touching Left, Islam, Israeli Lobby, Chomsky and Many other Hot Topics
- Kenneth O’Keefe Says it All. Must See Video
- Connecting the Zionist Dots by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon at The Ugly Truth Radio Podcast
- Day by day we are getting better at it!!! Must watch
- Another Glimpse into ‘Jewish Humour’ by Gilad Atzmon
- Invitation to olive picking [Palestine, October, 2010]
- This is far beyond politics. Humanity Rises Against the Israeli Crime
- Paul Larudee*: Account of my Capture and Imprisonment as part of the Freedom Flotilla
- Inside the mind of Mark Regev (an old video resurfaced)
- Shooting and Sobbing by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Shabana Syed
- The Colbert Report: Formidable Opponent
- The Helen Thomas' Resolution by Gilad Atzmon
- Howard Stern on Helen Thomas
- More Kosher crap exposed... a must watch new video
- Morris Herman on the Flotilla
- Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage
- There's Nothing Christian about Zionism
- Shocking Testimonials from the Mavi Marmara survivors. And one Israeli fembot by Lauren Booth
- Don't Use Violence, we are civilians!!!
- The Crucifixion of Kindness by Gilad Atzmon
- Humanity vs Tribalism
- Helen Thomas hits the nail
- Fear, pain and propaganda: an activist’s story
- Jewish Ideology and World Peace by Gilad Atzmon
- Strip Israel of its UN Membership.
- A Glimpse Into Jewish Collective Morbidity-introduction By Gilad Atzmon
- Anthony Lawson: The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain
- Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range by Robert Booth
- Gilad Atzmon on Israeli collective madness (RT)
- Life Must Go On- Jazza Festival for Free Gaza
- Israeli Butchery at Sea by Gilad Atzmon
- Live Stream from Turkish's IHH Mission to Gaza
- Hebrew Culture for Dummies by Gilad Atzmon
- This is not a Love song
- Free Gaza Live
- ‘A battle for the high seas. And the high ground’ By Lauren Booth*
- Humanitarian Flotilla Vs Evil Navy
- A Strategy of Liberation Requires Emancipation by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
- Talking about Athens, Jerusalem and Music
- Sleepless in Athens; a 2 hours radio show
- Talking about Athens and Jerusalem in Athens by Gilad Atzmon
- Planet Chomsky vs. Dershowitz’s Orbit by Gilad Atzmon
- Dogs for Jews by Gilad Atzmon
- On my way to Athens by Gilad Atzmon
- Hey Elton....
- About anti Semitism by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
- Not Much Time Remains for Israel- A Film Review by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel will not be a Jewish state, video - Gilad Atzmon
- Well Done Frankie Boyle!!! By Gilad Atzmon
- The Complete Manual for The British Jewish Voter by Gilad Atzmon
- Children of Gaza
- Excerpt from the book My Father Was A Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story
- Welcome to the Jewish Comedy Club by Gilad Atzmon
- EYE WITNESS REPORTS FROM GAZA Video Free Gaza News Oct22,2009
- Gilad Shalit 3D Animated Video by Hamas (a work of genius!!!)
- AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea
- Children of Gaza Speak
- Holocaust Tax Allowance by Gilad Atzmon
- Film: “Targeted Citizen” (15 minutes)
- Polanski's Ghost Writer - a film review by Gilad Atzmon
- Symbolic Identifiers and Jewish Stereotypes by Gilad Atzmon
- Hypocrites by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
- Interview with Carlos Latuff by Kourosh Ziabari
- Poet and Author Alice Walker Speaking in Gaza (Democracy Now)
- Israeli ID order set to criminalise Palestinians
- Bring them Back
- Remembering Deir Yassin - Dan McGowen
- IsraHell- The Fox, Liver Man and Bibi
- The Boomerang Effect By Gilad Atzmon
- Gaza: Our Spirit Will Never Die
- The worm is in the can by Nahida @ Uprooted Palestinian
- The Ethnic Cleanser .. Haaretz today
- It's A Place Called, Palestine (music video)
- Ramzy Baroud UK Tour-Don't miss it!!!
- Student Outreach at AIPAC-Revolting beyond belief.
- Mohammed Omer (Rafah Today) with Amy Goodman (Democracy Now)
- Music is the future of humanism!!! Must see...
- BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)1of5
- The Shylocks meet the Fagins by Gilad Atzmon
- Minding the Gap: Judaism between Law and Ethics by Ariella atzmon*
- Simpsons in IsraHell, check it out before it is taken down
- The So Called 'Only Democracy in the Middle East’ by Gilad Atzmon
- The True Face of Open Society....
- Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem
- Soap Opera by Gilad Atzmon
- Anthoy Lawson: Treason
- Samson and the 2nd Nakba - A Short Study of the Jewish Hercules By Gilad Atzmon
- Being British
- Judea declares War on Obama by Gilad Atzmon
- EuroPalestine Protest at H&M
- I AM IsraHell
- Who is the British Dog? By Gilad Atzmon
- Mawtini-Palestine for you.
- US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government
- Madoff in Jerusalem by Gilad Atzmon
- Israeli Racism....
- From Greece with Love-Yperastikoi
- Jewish Accessories by Gilad Atzmon
- How can you say NO to Real Beauty?
- Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba-a new brilliant work by Anthony Lawson
- Gaza's Guernica...
- Truth, History and Integrity by Gilad Atzmon
- Liberating the Iraqi-birth defects in Fallujah
- Holocaust Games in Britain
- Persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel
- The Banality of Jewish Symbolism by Gilad Atzmon
- Anthony Lawson -"It was the right decision"
- Suppressing Evidence, David Miliband and UK Complicity in Torture. By Sarah Gillespie
- From Promised Land to Promised Planet
- Israeli Pride II
- Bowing to Jewish Pressure by Gilad Atzmon
- Music for a change....
- Israeli Pride....
- Why it takes so many Mossad agents to kill a Palestinian with a Pillow? by Gilad Atzmon
- Jpost Video: Promote Israel while traveling abroad
- Wandering jazz player by By Theo Panayides
- Big Story-The Jewish Lobby in Britain..
- A Fistful of Poetry, Book Launch
- Mossad’s Murderous Reach: The Larger Political Issues By James Petras
- To Believe or not to Believe
- Public Service: Watch Mohammad Bakri's Jenin Jenin
- The Tide Has Changed - Gilad Atzmon
- The Long Arm of Israel better be amputated by Gilad Atzmon
- Israeli Apartheid Week
- Birmingham Friends of Pal: Jazz Event + Primacy of the Ear
- Gilad Atzmon’s Orient House Ensemble, Vortex
- A New Jewish Goal by Gilad Atzmon
- Begin's grandson: 'murderous blood flows in Israeli arteries'
- Dreyfus, The Protocols and Goldstone by Gilad Atzmon
- ZIONISM UNMASKED: Chutzpah, thy name is Zionism by Maidhc Ó Cathail
- UK’s Jewish Chronicle editor says extra-judicial murder is kosher By Salaheddin Ahmad
- Emotional Spin For A Change by Gilad Atzmon
- Britain, You Better Wake Up by Gilad Atzmon
- Anthony Lawson-More About Israeli Barbarism
- Did you know? Some Facts about the Conflict...
- ICH:Clare Short: Goldsmith ‘Misled’ Cabinet Over Iraq
- Finkelstein says NO to Crocodile Tears
- Israeli Hostage
- My Father was a Freedom Fighter- a book review by Gilad Atzmon
- Arrest Blair!!!
- I do love my Mac but this is way over the top
- British Citizens vs an IDF Guard by Gilad Atzmon
- The Arab International Forum for the Support of the Resistance, Beirut Lebanon 15-17 January 2010 Report by Lasse Wilhelmson
- Enough is Enough by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel’s voice on Britain's Iraq Inquiry accuses critics of “anti-Semitism” By Nureddin Sabir
- IDF is saving the world
- Holocaust Exploited
- Defamation, the first 20 min on Youtube
- The Holocaust Backfires
- IsraHell for you...
- The Shoa Must Go On by Gilad Atzmon
- Americans You Better Watch This
- In Memory of Martin Luther King by Gilad Atzmon
- 'Israelis stealing organs in Haiti'
- Netanyahu, Hegel and the Jewish Spirit by Gilad Atzmon
- Anthony Lawson/Jeff Gates- A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - Parts 1, 2 and 3
- Defamation, Must be Seen!!! A Film Review by Gilad Atzmon
- A People’s History of Gaza in Cartoons by Paul de Rooij
- Truth Will Prevail by Gilad Atzmon
- Everything Is Fine!!!!
- Finkelstein on Hezbollah
- Q&A...
- IsraHell for you, Ethnic Cleansing Live
- Israel’s Iron Kipa by Gilad Atzmon
- Deconstructing Simon Wiesenthal by Lawrence Swaim
- With Cohen, Pearlman and the ADL who needs the real thing?
- Aaronovitch Miliband & Me by Gilad Atzmon (a Multimedia Show)
- Reflections on the anniversary of Blitzkrieged Gaza by Roy Ratcliffe
- Israel’s Hidden Friends, the Names, the Tactics by REDRESS INFORMATION & ANALYSIS
- Happy New Year
- Film Review: Avatar, A Humanist Call from Mt. Hollywood by Gilad Atzmon
- Book Review: Gaza's Untold Story By Mamoon Alabbasi
- A Film review: A Serious Man, the Poetic Side of Self-Hatred by Gilad Atzmon
- "Jewish People, Decent People, Freedom, Democracy..." says Abe'le Foxman
- Indo-Israeli plan to counter Pakistan, terrorism
- Britain’s Jews in crisis over national loyalty, identity and Israel By Redress Information & Analysis
- Exclusive News on Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza
- A FISTFUL OF POETRY (introduction by Gilad Atzmon)
- Santa Claus Bailout Hearings
- The Old Testament and the War Crime in Gaza by Gilad Atzmon
- There is no Business like Shoah Business by Gilad Atzmon
- Oy Vey, The Mossad is Going Meshuge
- Auschwitz yet Again by Gilad Atzmon
- Yad Va Shame on You! by Gilad Atzmon
- On the way to The Hague, image improved by Morris Herman
- To Schlep Them to Justice in Safety by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel's Leaders on the Run by Gilad Atzmon
- Ramzy Baroud's new book-a promotional film
- Merry Christmas from Gilad Atzmon
- Making Friends with Israel by Gilad Atzmon
- War Criminal and WMD Enthusiast Shimon Peres Wants to Talk To You
- ‘Anti-Semitism up, Islamophobia down” a New Academic Research Says
- Inside Story - The battle for Jerusalem - 6 Dec 09
- Oi Vey-Orthodox boxer Salita floored in title fight ...
- You Want to Understand Anti-Semitism? Just Look in the Mirror by Gilad Atzmon
- Kebab Philosophy By Gilad Atzmon
- Just Jew It....beware
- Riz Khan - Changing perspectives on Israel - 30 Nov 09 - Shlomo Sand Part 2
- Vineyard Saker's Interview with Gilad Atzmon
- Accessory vs. Perpetrator by Gilad Atzmon
- Report: Pollard proposes killing Palestinian prisoners until Shalit freed
- Israeli settler repeatedly drives over Palestinian, Police watch, Fox News
- Hasbara Author vs Iran’s Bomb by Gilad Atzmon
- Jews don't need enemies - Video Gilad at home
- Joining the tunnel diggers in the Gaza Strip
- We are all Palestinians now by Maidhc Ó Cathail
- United Against Spitting by Gilad Atzmon
- A Night Unto The Nations by Gilad Atzmon
- The cost of Ziocon Wars
- Get Ready for Another Whitewash
- Far Beyond Chutzpah by Gilad Atzmon
- This Is Pure Genius!!!!
- Lexicon of Resistance by Gilad Atzmon
- As the Light onto the Nations by Gilad Atzmon
- Zionist Control of Britain’s Government: 1940-2009 by William A. Cook
- Hope by Lubna Naveed
- The Graphic Imagery of the Lobby
- The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
- Britain must de-Zionise Itself Immediately by Gilad Atzmon
- Credit Crunch or rather Zio Punch? by Gilad Atzmon
- "Does everyone hate us? Possibly so.." says Ynet's leading writer
- From the River to the Sea by Gilad Atzmon
- More Israeli Spitting, this time on a priest...
- In defence of Larry David by Gilad Atzmon
- Kosher Aristotle and the Shoa Survivor by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel ~ nuclear rogue state
- Pornographic Past Vs Murderous Present by Gilad Atzmon
- Isreal Part 1
- Bonaparte Blair & Co by Gilad Atzmon
- Ethically Cleansed - The case of Nick Griffin and the BBC-Guest Post By Sarah Gillespie
- The International Bureau of Double Standards-Guest Post by Anthony Lawson
- After all I am a Proper Zionist Jew by Gilad Atzmon
- SHLOMO SAND'S The Invention of the Jewish People-book review by Gilad Atzmon
- Backstroking the Jewish Tomorrow by Gilad Atzmon
- Autumn in Shanghai by Gilad Atzmon
- Metal Palestine
- The Israeli One and Only War Crime
- Deception, Spin and Lies written by Gilad Atzmon
- The Nobel Prize, the Brand and the President by Gilad Atzmon
- From Delusion to Vindictiveness by Gilad Atzmon
- From Victimhood to Aggression: Jewish Identity in the light of Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon – Messing with the Zohan
- Who Is a Jew? By Gilad Atzmon
- The Pathology of Evil by Gilad Atzmon
- Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds By GILAD ATZMON
- Symbolism and the Grotesque Bruno: a Glimpse Into Zionism? By GILAD ATZMON
- Organ Donation and Theft in Contemporary Jewish Folklore By Gilad Atzmon
- The Jewish Experience - by Gilad Atzmon
- The Right to Self-Determination - A Fake Exercise in Universalism by Gilad Atzmon
- The Wandering Who? By Gilad Atzmon
- The Hostage Dream Loving Oneself at the Expense of Another By GILAD ATZMON
- War On Terror Within: The End of Jewish History by Gilad Atzmon
- Sabra, Shatila and Collective Amnesia by Gilad Atzmon
- The Primacy of the ear by Gilad Atzmon
- Freedom of Speech: the right to equate Gaza with Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
- Tractatus Logico Palestinicus By Gilad Atzmon
- Shylock in Yiddish
- I am a Loo
- Saving Private Tziga'le
- charlie chaplin the Kid (the Israeli version)
- Moisha’le’s New Suit by Hans Christian Underdog
- Mein Little Kind Lenni’le by Hans Christian Underdog
- Jewnetic Engineering by Gilad Atzmon
- The Tzabar and the Sabbar: A Refection on Memory and Nostalgia by Gilad Atzmon
- Operation Security Roof by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon – Swindler’s List
- Some People Never Learn the Lesson by Gilad Atzmon
- The 3rd CategoryThe 3rd Category and the Palestinian Solidarity Movement by Gilad Atzmon
- Between the Shtetl and the Big City One Hundred Years of Jewish Solitude
- Purim Special From Esther to AIPAC By GILAD ATZMON
- The Dialectic of Negation by Gilad Atzmon
- Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder-A Glimpse Into Israeli Collective Psychosis by Gilad Atzmon
- Zionism and other Marginal Thoughts by Gilad Atzmon
- From Guilt to Responsibility -Gilad Atzmon
- Re-Arranging the 20th Century: Allegro, non Troppo by Gilad Atzmon
- Being and Time- Gilad Atzmon PLUS - Introduction by Manuel Talens
- Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds By GILAD ATZMON
- Symbolism and the Grotesque Bruno: a Glimpse Into Zionism? By GILAD ATZMON
- The Plot Against America a book report and a reality check by Gilad Atzmon
- Jazz and politics by Gilad Atzmon
- Mel Gibson and the Judo-Christian myth by Gilad Atzmon
- Borat, An Alternative Discourse Analysis – Gilad Atzmon
- Blood, Soil and Art by Gilad Atzmon
- Deconstructing Grossman by Gilad Atzmon
- PM Gordon Brown, Here Is My Shopping List by Gilad Atzmon
- Iranian Journalist Interviews Gilad Atzmon
- The Unilateral People by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel Has Managed to Lose Again By Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon interviewed by "Eleftherotypia" (Greek Sunday Paper)
- Gilad Atzmon – The Old Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
- Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land by Gilad Atzmon
- Eine Kleine Nacht Murder: How Israeli Leaders Kill for their People's Votes by Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon – Gilad Shalit: The Grand Illusion
- Taking Elder Peres Apart by Gilad Atzmon
- Send Them To Gaza: Gimmicks and Education by Gilad Atzmon
- A Plot against Britain? by Gilad Atzmon
- Saying NO to the Hunters of Goliath Gilad Atzmon
- Anthony Julius and a journey to the dark Zionist world By Gilad Atzmon
- Palestinian Solidarity Discourse and Zionist Hegemony -Gilad Atzmon
- Jewish Secular Fundamentalism By Gilad Atzmon
- Pour out your fury upon the people of Lebanon and Gaza by Gilad Atzmon
- Israel’s New Math, 2 = 500,000 by Gilad Atzmon
- Never Again Gilad Atzmon
- Gilad Atzmon - Tony Greenstein debate
- Why do we hate them? by Gilad Atzmon
- The Peace Envoy by Gilad Atzmon
- Here comes the flood by Gilad Atzmon
- The politics of anti-Semitism by Gilad Atzmon
- Jazz and Jihad: the discourse of solidarity by Gilad Atzmon
- Ziotacticus Autisticus by Gilad Atzmon
- Brave New World War by Gilad Atzmon
- Self-Haters Unite By Gilad Atzmon
- The Hamas Victory Gilad Atzmon, Where to now, Palestine? Some reflections by Gilad Atzmon
- Welcome to Zionised Britain by Gilad Atzmon
- Blair the Camera Man-Gilad Atzmon
- Peace is not Shalom and Shalom is not Sharon by Gilad Atzmon
- The Plot Against America a book report and a reality check by Gilad Atzmon
- The Open Society and its Enemies - The Story of Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
- The J word, the J people and the J spot by Gilad Atzmon
- Sex and Politics by Gilad Atzmon
- The Passion of Arafat by Gilad Atzmon
- Why Should He Apologise? Or Rather, Who Should Apologise? by Gilad Atzmon
- Israeli People's Most common Mistakes by Gilad Atzmon
- 'Ha-Mechabel' by Gilad Atzmon
- To Sit in the Dark, Victimhood and Jewish identity by Gilad Atzmon
- The Separation Wall and The Myth of the Israeli Left by Gilad Atzmon
- 'NOT IN MY NAME’ – An analysis of Jewish righteousness by Gilad Atzmon
- Women In Uniform By Gilad Atzmon
- Sheikh Ahmed Yassin by Gilad Atzmon
- News in the West by Gilad Atzmon
- On Anti-Semitism by Gilad Atzmon
- About "World Peace" by Gilad Atzmon
- Liberating Iraq by Gilad Atzmon
- The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion (Verse 2) by Gilad Atzmon
- On Blindness by gilad atzmon
- The Devil Sings Again By Gilad Atzmon
- The end of innocence by Gilad Atzmon
- Links